Powis Parker SM1

Transparent die guide lets you see where each score goes


The Scoring Machine is designed specifically for perfect binding (paperback books). It works hand-in-hand with the Fastback® 15xs to precisely score card stock so your covers look good and open easily.

Just place your bound book between the Book Thickness Rings and adjust the width to match. The Scoring Machine is now ready to produce perfect scores every time.

It can score card stock up to 20 points thick (.020″ or .50mm) and the patented Centering Guide eliminates any guesswork as to where to place the scores. No make-ready is ever needed.

The Scoring Machine is designed to be easy to operate, even on the largest job. The transparent die holder allows you to see exactly where each score is being made, which helps avoid mistakes. And, it has a low resistance lever plus a soft grip handle to help avoid strains and repetitive stress injuries.

The Scoring Machine comes with one scoring die for making double scores. A second die is available for making single scores. Changing the die is a simple matter of removing two pins and switching the die.

Additional information

Weight 15 lbs

Product Type